Eastern Exploration

Capturing decay.

Trip to Bitterfeld

Today I went to Bitterfeld to visit a couple of locations I had on my list. I started with an abandoned factory in the south, which I still couldn’t identify. It could really be anything… My first guess was a brewery, but it didn’t really look like it. It was blazing hot today, however inside the buildings it was way colder so I took my time wandering through them. All went well and I headed to the second location: the former train yard Bitterfeld. It was great for exploring, but after I was nearly finished, I made a mistake. Clumsy as I was, I walked through a thick shrub not really paying attention to where I was stepping. Suddenly I didn’t feel ground under my left foot but it was too late, I fell down 2 meters inside the shrub onto some sort of overgrown rail bed inside. Somehow I landed on my back and ripped my whole pants. I wanted to proceed but my back hurt and I looked idiotic in those pants so I headed back out and tried to reach the car as fast as possible. I really wanted to do more but I guess shit happens. As of the evening my back pain has gotten better, could have gone way worse. Next time I try to be more aware, somehow I wasn’t this time. Anyway the pictures and locations will be up soon, as always!

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