Eastern Exploration

Capturing decay.

Malt Factory Albert Wrede

The malt factory was built in the early 1860s and started producing in 1866. It was the biggest floor malting factory in the German Empire. In the year 1939 it was renamed in ‘Mälzerei Wrede AG’. During the GDR it operated under the name ‘VEB Brauerei und Malzfabrik Köthen’ and supplied a quarter of the whole malt demand in the country. As many other factories, it was closed down in the 1990s after the German Reunification. On the 15th September 2011 a big fire broke out in the building and destroyed a lot of it. In the following years it was set on fire multiple times again. The last fire happened in June 2022.

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Rating: 4 out of 5.

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