Eastern Exploration

Capturing decay.

Hotel Hohe Sonne

The Jagdschloss Hohe Sonne is a hunting lodge located on the Hohe Sonne hill near Eisenach in central Germany. The lodge was built in the early 18th century by Johann Ernst, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, as a summer residence for hunting parties. It was later expanded and renovated in the 19th century. The forest district of Hohe Sonne belonged to the municipality of Mosbach and in 1906, the construction of a restaurant was approved. It was last used as a hotel and excursion restaurant in the 1980s, but was closed in 1985 due to irreparable structural damage. The building and property are now privately owned and inaccessible. Appeals by citizen initiatives, associations, and the city administration to save the building, which is a listed monument, remained unsuccessful until 2012. The request of a Swiss interested party to demolish the former hunting lodge and replace it with a postmodern building made of glass and steel was rejected. Since 2012, there has been a Dutch investor who wants to restore the dilapidated complex and turn it into a hiking hostel.

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