Eastern Exploration

Capturing decay.

Bahnbetriebswerk Sangerhausen

The locomotive repair facility originated from a small workshop built in 1878. Starting out as a rather unimportant station on the train line from Halle to Nordhausen it grew in importance rapidly after becoming an important junction point of the train line Berlin-Metz. In 1899 the workshop officially became a ‘Betriebswerkstätte’ and was expanded. The large locomotive shed was constructed later that year and a second one followed in 1923. A new workshop and administration building was also built on the property. The station had great importance for the pushing of locomotives up the ‘Blankenheimer Rampe’. After the second world war the facility fell into the ownership of Reichsbahndirektion Erfurt. After 1990 the freight train count sunk drastically and the workshops importance declined. It was demoted to an outpost of the BW Nordhausen in 1993. Just one year later, the whole facility was closed down. As of 2023 it seems like construction is taking place on the property forcing us to leave early.

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